
Showing posts from June, 2017

Self-Storage Guide:

What is Self-Storage? Like a lot of people, your stuff may not all fit into your home. Self-storage lets you keep all of your stuff without cluttering up your home. You can consider self-storage facilities an extension to your home. Generally, self-storage facilities offer storage space like containers, rooms and lockers. They can also be called self-service storage or mini storage. They all mean the same thing. These self-storage facilities rent out for short term leases – usually month to month. Usually options for long term leases are available as well. When do you need Self-Storage? There are many reasons to use self-storage. Here are some of the most common ones: You don’t want to clutter your house, but still want access to your things. You are moving, and are not able to take your things with you. You’re moving to smaller place and need to keep your extra things somewhere. You own a business and need a place to keep inventory. How to choose the right Self-Stor