
Showing posts from June, 2014

Estimating Utilities in a New House:

Moving into a new house brings with it a lot of unknowns, no small example being utility costs. Every home is different and trying to update a budget when you have no idea what your expenses will be can be both challenging and scary. Thankfully there are a few tools and tricks available to help estimate utilities in advance, so you know at least a little of what you’re getting into. Previous utility bills Often available directly from the utility company (to protect privacy they shouldn’t give you an actual bill but many will share monthly or yearly billed amounts), or you can ask the landlord, who may have an idea from personal experience or be willing to request it for you from the previous tenant. Home energy audits Available for free from many utility companies or for a fee from private auditors, a home energy audit won’t tell you utility costs directly but can help give an idea of the home’s “energy condition” by pointing out areas of inefficiency like poor insulation or leaky