
Showing posts from November, 2014

Six packing tips to make packing for moving stress free:

A new home awaits you; a moving day is inked on your calendar; the movers have been hired and now just the drudgery of packing is between you and a new chapter in your life. Packing is always such a chore. Consider packing for a weekend away or a summer trip and how even a time that should be full of joyous anticipation can be stressful. You don't want to risk not having a particular article of clothing so you over-pack, or worse, you forget something and have to go out and purchase it anew. It's always best to take your time and plan according to what's on the agenda, right? Well the same goes for packing up your home. Yes, it's a much more daunting task than packing a suitcase, but imagine applying this same logic of what stays and what goes to make your packing job easier and lighter? Turn your packing panic into packing purge and get started! Every day we are bombarded with advertising messages to simplify our lives and slow down. What better way to achie