
Showing posts from March, 2015

A big move and even bigger change:

Moving is a difficult time in many people’s lives. Imagine moving after living in a home for more than 30 years. You have deep roots in your home and within your community. Your family grew up there, and essentially you’ve built a life in your home. All of your fondest memories and special milestones were made there. Could you ever say goodbye? Byron and Jo Anne lived in their family home for 38 years. After raising their two children, they decided it was time to downsize and move into a condo closer to their kids and grand kids, which was just a few hours from their long-time home. I was able to meet Byron and Jo Anne during their recent move and chat with them about their moving and downsizing experience. After decades in one home, it’s no t uncommon to collect both investment pieces and useless clutter without even realizing it. Imagine living in a home as long as Byron and Jo Anne did. For them, the most difficult part of the move was the de-cluttering and downsizing process.